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Early Career Involvement
Early Career Involvement


The Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (CCC) is the largest gathering of cardiovascular health professionals and researchers in Canada, drawing participants from across the country and around the globe. The CCC is a unique opportunity for updating and maintaining scientific knowledge through accredited education opportunities, while also providing an ideal forum for networking, and research advancement. We are currently seeking submissions for abstracts for this year’s CCC.

These abstract submission guidelines contain the following sections:

  1. Submission Fee
  2. Submission Deadline
  3. Submission Method
  4. General Submission Guidelines
  5. Character Count and Writing Standards
  6. Authorship Requirements and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
  7. Encore Presentations
  8. Presentation Types
  9. Abstract Award Criteria
  10. Abstract Review
  11. Abstract Selection Criteria
  12. Abstract Rejection Criteria
  13. Abstract Status
  14. Abstract Withdrawal
  15. Embargo Policy
  16. Technical Support

Submission Fee

There is no submission fee .

Submission Deadline

Abstracts must be received electronically through the online submission system.

Abstract Submission site opens: Wednesday, February 21

Abstract Submission site closes: Tuesday, May 7, 12:00 noon (EDT).

Faxed, mailed or emailed abstract submissions will not be accepted.

The online submission system will identify your submitted abstract as either complete or incomplete. If incomplete, the system will flag the tasks that require attention and completion. Incomplete submissions at the time of the deadline will not be accepted. The submitter has until the deadline to complete the abstract submission without exception.

Submission Method

Upon successful submission through the online abstract submission website, the submitter will receive an acknowledgement of receipt by email.

Please email technical support if you did not receive your email confirmation within 48 hours after submitting your abstract. Changes to abstracts can be made before the  deadline within the submission site. A link to your profile will be posted in your confirmation email.

General Stream Submission Guidelines

Character Count and Writing Standards

The word limit for a submission is a maximum of 400 words. Tables, graphs, and images must be added under the ‘Supporting images, graphs or tables task during the submission process, and are not included in the word limit. Please limit to a maximum of two tables and/or images. Graphs and tables must be simple and easily interpreted. They also must be of high resolution.

 Abstracts are published as submitted. Please proofread your work carefully to avoid errors.

All abstracts must be written in English with accurate grammar and spelling. Abstracts WILL NOT be edited by conference staff. Typographical and grammatical errors will appear as submitted. Revisions or corrections to abstracts will not be permitted once abstracts are accepted.

Using the following section titles in your submission will help direct the focus of the abstract:

a)     BACKGROUND: A brief statement of the purpose.

b)     METHODS/RESULTS: A statement of the method(s) of investigation and a summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support conclusions.

c)     CONCLUSION: A brief statement of results reached – Statements such as “results to be discussed” or “data will be presented” are not sufficient and will result in rejection of the abstract.

 Abstracts must adhere to the following format:

Authorship Requirements and Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement

There is no limit to the number of abstracts an author may submit; however, it is the author’s responsibility to designate a separate presenting author for scheduling conflicts that arise due to multiple submissions.

The first author will have the option to self-identify as a trainee, early career (first 7 years), or regular CCS member. 

The submitting author will receive notification of abstract status. Should the submitter prefer, a different email address may be submitted for abstract correspondence and notification of abstract status. 

For accepted abstracts, the first author is expected to present the work.  If the first author is unable to present, they must delegate another presenting author from the co-author(s) listed on the abstract at the time of submission. 

All author(s) must complete the conflict disclosure form included as a task within the submission site.

For each abstract submitted, a conflict-of-interest disclosure form identifying commercial relationships must be completed online for each author (prompted by the online submission system). The submitting author is to ensure all conflicts are identified for all authors and can complete the disclosure on behalf of all authors, but must be done so in consultation with each individual listed. By disclosing any direct or indirect conflicts of interest, the submitter authorizes the host organization to disclose conflict. Disclosure information for accepted abstracts will be made available upon request.

Encore Presentations

Abstracts accepted for presentation at other national and international conferences occuring between CCC 2023 and CCC 2024 may be submitted to CCC 2024, however, they must:

Please note, encore presentation submissions will be screened under the same criteria as other contributed papers.

*Note: Abstracts not submitted as Encore Presentations must not have been published as a journal manuscript or an abstract prior to CCC 2024 (October 24-27, 2024).

Presentation Types

During the submission process submitters will be asked their presentation preference; oral presentation or poster presentation.

The selection of oral or poster preference will neither prejudice acceptance nor guarantee oral or poster presentation, as abstracts must be arranged to fit into a thematic group for presentation. However, the Program Committee will make every effort to accommodate your presentation request.

Abstract Award Criteria

For CCS Submissions:

During the submission process submitters may apply for the following awards. For more information and award eligibility criteria please click on the award name.

Abstract Review

Abstracts submitted under the host organization Canadian Cardiovascular Society will be reviewed in the following tracks:

Abstract Selection Criteria

Abstract grading is performed by blinded review by a group of experts within a particular field. The review committee is responsible for grouping the abstracts appropriately for a particular specialty or association. Abstracts are selected based on scientific criteria of merit, originality of work, adequacy of data, and clarity of exposition.  

To view the full Abstract Scoring Criteria, please click here

Abstract Rejection Criteria

Abstract will be rejected if:  

The final decision with respect to selection, programming, and/or publication of any abstract will be made by the Program Committee. 

Abstract Status

All abstracts submitted must comply with these guidelines to be considered for acceptance. The final decision with respect to selection, programming, and/or publication of any abstract will be made by the Program Committees. 

Notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be emailed in July. Submitters can also check the status of their submission online through the online submission system in July. All appropriate accompanying materials, including guidelines for oral or poster presentations, will be sent by email to the presenting author in July. 

Abstract Withdrawal

Withdrawal of accepted abstracts must be received at, no later than July 31 to avoid publication.

Embargo Policy

Embargo Date and Time: October 1,  2024 at Noon EDT

The embargo policy for submitted abstracts: 

Should you have any questions about the embargo policy, please contact

Technical Supports

If you have questions about completing the abstract form, please contact Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS).
